Dr. Doolittle has helped to improve the lives of so many of her patients. Some of her clients have shared their success stories...
This is Miss Roxy. She means more than the world to me & I make it pretty known the way I brag about her & spoil her. Roxy has suffered from severe environmental allergies and adverse food reactions ever since she was about 6 months old. After years of visiting multiple vets, steroid shots, dog allergy medicine, home remedies, researching all night long while crying, and asking the manager at the pet store to help me read the ingredients label of every single bag of dog food in the store, I made a simple google search that changed Roxy's & my life. I found a holistic vet in the area named Dr. Doolittle (yes, that's her legit name) & God answered my prayers. Through simply changing Roxy's diet & adding some natural supplements, Roxy is healthier than ever & her quality of life is so much better. We've been going to see Dr. Doolittle for a little over a year now & it has been such a great adventure. I thank God for Roxy & I thank God for her vet. Through all my research, I found that allergies in dogs is actually very common & a huge source of the problem is the food that we feed them. I wanted to share Miss Roxy's story because although we've come from such a tough spot, she's one of the lucky ones. I'm glad her reactions were so noticeable that it became a huge priority to find the best nutrition for her versus something bad happening inside of her that I knew nothing about. God has blessed us so much & I hope Roxy's story helps some dog parents with their little angel.
First picture: before visiting Dr. Doolittle
Second picture: a few months after starting Dr. Doolittle's plan
Use the arrows to slide between the pictures.
Angela V.
Rhode Island
I started with Sharon in April 2004 after I won a free consultation from a fundraising raffle. I have been involved with complementary therapies for my dogs and myself since 1986, so I figured I would meet her and see what she had to say about, my then 5 year old Corgi, Floyd and his condition of Spondylosis in his spine...
Muttsey was diagnosed with the possibility of having degenerative myelopathy. She could not walk on her own unless a harness was used to help hold her up. I had read that to test for this disease often made the dogs' symptoms worse so I decided not to verify the actual cause. I tried using a new experimental medicine with her, but, after several months noticed no improvement...
Hi! I'm about 4 years old. Ever since I was a puppy I was really itchy. The breeder offered to take me back, but my owner loved me too much. Then I got Lyme disease, TWICE! ...
I'm 5 1/2 years old. I'm shy. I liked Sharon a lot the moment I met her (and I don't say that about most people). I've had a good life. I met a wonderful young guy a few years ago and got pregnant. I had a rough pregnancy and didn't eat properly...
Two years ago this month my Arabian mare Lacie was diagnosed with a mast cell tumor at the corner of her mouth. We had had this mass resected three times over five years before an accurate diagnosis was made with a biopsy...
Logger is a 9 year old male beagle who had always been in good health other than putting some weight on over the years. He is an incredibly friendly and lovable dog. Back in January, we noticed he was having some trouble jumping up on his favorite couch. He also started having trouble lifting his head. He seemed to deteriorate rapidly and we took him to our vet...